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7 Ways the Response to a Devastating Earthquake Has Changed

A highway destroyed by the earthquake. Photo courtesy of Flickr/Joe Lewis

Image: A highway destroyed by the earthquake. Photo courtesy of Flickr/Joe Lewis - September 20th, 2013 - David Raths

Most San Francisco Bay Area residents over 30 years old remember exactly where they were at 5:04 p.m. on Oct. 17, 1989, when the magnitude 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake shook the region.

I certainly do. I was just getting ready to drive home to Palo Alto, a few miles from the editorial offices of InfoWorld, a technology publication in Menlo Park, where I worked.


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Report - Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing

submitted by Albert Gomez - January 30, 2012


The High-level Panel on Global Sustainability presents its report to the Secretary-General on 30 January 2012 in Addis Ababa.

The 22-member Panel, established by the Secretary-General in August 2010 to formulate a new blueprint for sustainable development and low-carbon prosperity, was co-chaired by Finnish President Tarja Halonen and South African President Jacob Zuma. The Panel's final report, "Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing", contains 56 recommendations to put sustainable development into practice and to mainstream it into economic policy as quickly as possible.

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Solar Storms And 13 Other Unusual Risks That Should Have You Freaking Out This Year

submitted by Jonathan King

by Sam Ro - - January 25, 2012



Risk management is a part of our everyday lives.  Everyone knows to look both ways before crossing the street. Most also know to diversify their investment portfolios to limit the impact of a stock market crash.

But, what about the less obvious risks?


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SF’s Carbon Footprint: Goals, Progress, and the Future of Local Climate Action, Jan. 2012


                                      (SEE POWER POINT PRESENTATION IN ATTACHMENT BELOW)

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Environmental Health Assessment of Vulnerability to Heat Waves & Air Quality, SFDPH and US CDC, Sep. 2011


Developing Public Health Capacity and Adaptations to Reduce Human Health Effects of Climate Change


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Mayor Lee Announces San Francisco Slashes Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Exceeds International & State Goals

Office of the Mayor - San Francisco

City’s Clean, Green Economy Creates Jobs & Model for Other Cities & States with Highest Emissions Reduction; Also Leading the Nation Among Major U.S. Cities with 78 Percent Waste Diversion Rate

10/19/11— Mayor Edwin M. Lee today announced that San Francisco greenhouse gas emissions are nearly 12 percent below 1990 levels and have exceeded emission reduction goals set by both the United Nations and the State even as the population has grown.

“I thank former Mayor Gavin Newsom for beginning our City’s innovative and aggressive climate change policies that have boosted our local economy and advanced our City’s environmental goals to reduce green house gas emissions,” said Mayor Lee. “San Francisco is leading the way toward a future of green jobs and a growing green economy built on renewable energy for a cleaner and healthier environment.”

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Why are 26 Cities Green With Envy?


by Ivette Torres - - January 9, 2012

Well in 2011, San Francisco took the title as the “greenest city in North America”. The study, conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit studied the environmental performance and commitments by 27 major metro areas in the U.S. and Canada, and we won!

 This is greatly due to the efforts of this month’s guest speaker, Johanna Partin. Johanna serves as Director of Climate Protection Initiatives in the office of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, where she advises Mayor Lee on citywide sustainable energy, climate, transportation, green building and other programs promoting sustainability for San Francisco.


US and Canada Green City Index - Assessing the environmental performance of 27 major US and Canadian cities - A research project conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by Siemens (71 page .PDF report)


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